Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Sum this up!

I have never been great at maths but this i have been able to sum up...

2 girls
1 bottle of vino blanco
1 bar of dairy milk
1 Bridget Jones type DVD
Self help + Girl Power + the overwhelming relief in convincing eachother you're happy singles
The next morning: feeling really shit and sure that no one will ever love you like in the DVD + getting frail and old with the sad company of only your 10 cats.

I challenge you to find a girl that hasn't experienced this!


Anonymous said...

LIES - hear the truth y'all:

2 girls
4 bottles of vino blanco
16 bacardi breezers
4 bars of Dairy Milk (each)
Jennifer Lopez in 'The Weddiing Planner'
short term self-belief and uber-confidence coupled with a 'fuck boys' attitude, swifly followed by a girly giggle in realizing the double entendre of 'fuck boys' and then self-pitying moaning marathon of a monday in which the gym will be visited, mum will be phoned and you crawl into bed crying into your brushed-cotton sheets.

YOU do the math.

Rosa said...

Mr Watson,

You know us all too well, are we really that obvious??
What about the intrigue of the female mind??

Anonymous said...

congratuations on the job, manal told me this morning. well done and good luck.

Rosa said...

Why thank you monsier what's on. And i hope you are have 'fun' on weapons!

Anonymous said...

I bloody told you Gary u bastard!

Anonymous said...

yes you did tell me Gohir. BUT, manal told me first, innit.
Rosa sorry for infiltrating your blog just to throw a missive at mr G, won't happen again. well, it won't happen again if Gohir stops acting the maggot.