Tuesday, 26 June 2007


Right girls, you've all seen the guy in the new D&G advert (yes the one that means nothing but has the hottest guy in!)... Well just for you... here he is! Amazing!


Anonymous said...

Perfection!!!! Come on boys, get in shape, if we all have to be stick thin you all have to have beaut bods... About time we get some eye candy to look at. Love it ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for blogging about me! I'll let you into a secret, I don't really use D&G.

Anyways, what you up to on Saturday night? There's a great KFC round the corner from me.

Anonymous said...

What new D&G advert|? What you talking aboutr Willis?

Anonymous said...

yeah, but look at the picture closely...he doesn't look happy does he? sure he has a physique that is firm and muscular like corned beef but he looks empty on the inside...and that saddens me, and when i cry the world weeps too.

Rosa said...

Gohir, click on the link and you can watch it... it's amazing!

Wee Eric, you're right, happyness is what matters... but us girls need something to look at!

Mr Hunky, sssssssh don't talk, just let us look at you! Yes women really are that shallow!

Anonymous said...

RosaBlogs is the new Footballer's Wives.

Tinchy Writer said...

we aren't pieces or meat you know! we have feelings and everything.

Anonymous said...

yes Kieran, but of course meat does have feelings...didn't stop you enjoying your roast dinner yesterday though did it? let this be the start of a new life for you Kieran, this is an epiphany for you, meat is murder Kieran, meat is murder.

Rosa said...

Morrisey, you're right!
P.S. I'm you biggest fan!

See Kieran, listen to that charming man, put your hand in his glove, now panic on the streets of london, cos you've started comething you couldn't finish and heaven knows I'm miserable now, William, it was really nothing!!

Woooo rock on The Moz!

Anonymous said...

your arsenal rosa!

Tinchy Writer said...

you're right. meat is murder.

i hate myself.

Anonymous said...

don't hate yourself Kieran...eat yourself. it's the only way to redemption. don't eat all of yourself obviously, that would be the actions of a cannabalistic fool but you can certainly make amends by slicing off a piece of thigh and grilling it with a little olive oil and rosemary...you like garlic too? if you like you can share yourself with your friends in a kind of communion mass, get a nice bottle of plonk and it'll be a right wee party. can i come?

Tinchy Writer said...

all depends on how big an appetite you have. i need to be careful to get the portions right, obviously. but it sounds nice. let's pencil something in for late august. I'll fatten up in advance - don't want anyone going hungry.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. Thanks for the attention, bye). Até mais.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. Thanks for the attention, bye). Até mais.

Anonymous said...

Rodrigo, none of us speak Ulster Scotch so why don't you run away back to Limavady where you belong.

Tinchy Writer said...

good grief. my thigh has taken on a life of its own!

Jett Loe said...

man...this site's just in the gutter...